Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Super powers !

So i was just reading my friends Blog about super powers and i remembered that last term in maths we had to do this test for fun and we had to answer all these questions about ourselves, and one of the questions was about super powers! and there was a whole list of them but we could only pick one, the question was : if you could have a super power what one would you have ?
and there was : visibility, freezing time, teleporting or reading minds. i choose Freezing time! wouldn't that be EPIC! you could play jokes on people and put a pole in front of someone so they walked into it! hahaha.
Laugh Laugh Laugh...
Tell me, if you had a super power what would it be?

1 comment:

  1. Invisibility. you can freak people out by talking to them when you are invisible. (:
